• Year: 2018-2021
  • Location: Yekaterinburg
  • Client: Сity municipality
  • Status: Concept development

Designed in the early 1930s in the fashion of classical Stalin’s era grandeur, the central city park of Yekaterinburg is situated well outside of the centre. After a few decades of neglect and amateurish maintenance, the park today does not respond properly to the demands of contemporary citizens. Although it is still quite popular – for the lack of the better option, visitors criticise it for the absence of structure, good services, proper circulation, and variety of public spaces for different target groups. 

SVESMI project carefully unearthes the original structure of the park, identifying and enhancing important elements that de ne its character. SVESMI project accentuates the entrances, while eliminating borders, and makes paths distinct and comfortably arranged for pedestrians and cyclers.

The project also introduces recognisable park typologies – a regular ‘parterre” (a reference to the earliest design and classical French parks); a multifunctional meadow for events and picnics (almost completely built up today by the shacks and storages); eco-embankment along the river; and a cultural square for events and gatherings (to enliven the park’s original name).

Altogether, the project strives to balance the regular, designed parts with the more wild areas, that with careful maintenance will exude the spirit of unspoiled nature in the city.
